1Q84, Drive My Car & Tony Takitani by Haruki Murakami

I purchased 1Q84 on October 5, 2021, and today I finished reading the entire book (March 2, 2022). I rarely read fiction and rarely finished cover to cover any type of book except Haruki Murakami’s short stories. This is my first novel by Haruki Murakami.

My rate: 4.7/5

I read 1Q84 mostly before and after sleep. It was my kind of movie or TV series except I was reading. I literally imagined every page like a movie scene. That’s why I believe relaxing your mind and inspiring yourself to read fiction is excellent. But, it’s hard to find good and easy to read fiction. So, if you are thinking of starting Marukumi, start with his short stories.

My next Murakami Novel is: Kafka on the Shore.

Harukumi Murakami Story to Movie Adaptations

I already saw “Drive my car” one of my favorite Marukumi short stories, in selected movie theaters and HBO Max now. (Japan’s Oscar-nominated) My other favorite short story is “Tony Takitani.” (I didn’t watch it yet). They made a movie in 2004 for that story too.

Maybe we will see 1Q84’s movie adaptation in near soon?