Pacman Game vs Actual Life

I feel we are in the Pacman game. We want it more and more… We want to grow nonstop. Our families, kids, companies or partners, we are all in Pacman game.

I was at the grocery store yesterday. We were lined up between each other 6 feet apart. (Luckily there marked on the floor what is 6 feet look like for people like who don’t know feet vs meters still after 10 years in the states:) On the line, I thought about Pacman while I was waiting on the line. A couple of weeks ago, I was listening to a podcast and the guest said we are raising our kids like Pacman. Learn this lesson, do this, attend that club, go to this school, etc. Is it only we do for kids? I don’t think so. We do have the same approach for almost everything.

I have no problem with gaining more knowledge or raising our standard of living etc. Also no intention to change the game.

A) I want all of us to know we are in the Pacman game

B) There is no Game-Over. Pretty much if you failed, you can start again and again. Don’t stress out too much.

C) Is this your Pacman game or someone else’s?