You are for the customer.

I always say “We are here not to build a product, we are here to solve our customer’s problem”.

Whatever you are building, working needs to solve someone’s problem. If it is not, why are you building anyway?

Keep asking yourself. “Am I solving real pain or an imaginary one?”

More you build a relationship with your prospect or existing client, they will more likely to be turned life long customer plus friend and advisor to you and your company.

So, be aware: You are here to serve them. Your job is to solve the problem. Not to create one.

Imagine, if you go to a restaurant, what do you expect from them? : “Good service and gesture, delicious food, and taking care of you”. Everything needs to be customer-centric. Food, design, the ambiance will come after customer focus.

So tech companies are not different than a restaurant. You are here to serve nothing less or more. Product, design, engineering and YOU are for Customers.
