Contribute vs Provide

Many immigrants who left their home countries to other places had one goal: “Provide”. They have family back home so they need to provide them a good life which was not available while they were there. They struggled and paid huge emotional debt for one thing: “My family must have better than I have” On the other hand, the last thing to do “contribute” to a society where they migrated. Why?

Because they think this situation is temporary. Within 5 years or a maximum of 10 years, they’ll go back with enough assets till the rest of their life.

Even if their all family live in the same roof with a comfortable life, still they are waiting one day to go back. That’s why their mind is more focus provide then contribute. Most of them don’t even speak of the country’s language properly.

If you don’t contribute to your society, you can’t be part of it. If you don’t be part of it, you are invisible to them.