Israeli Playbook

As you guys know, Israel is a Startup Nation. 87 Israeli Companies are listed in NASDAQ currently. (Source Robinhood)

They are going global day one (actually day zero(idea stage) because the size of the country is never interesting for them “go local first then global”).

The great majority of Israeli founders surveyed (69%) believe that founders need to relocate to the US office for the expansion to be successful. And for just over half the respondents, the first US-based team member was a founder. For the startups we surveyed, most of the GTM team was based in the US: 63% of CEOs, 60% of CMOs, and 86% of CROs. By contrast, most of these companies kept engineering, product, and finance back in Israel. 91% of CTO’s were based in Israel, together with 66% of CPOs, and 57% of CFOs. (You should definitely check IndexVentures’s Expanding to the US book. Especially Israeli Playbook.