People Inspire Me: Naomi Nakagawa

You probably never heard of Naomi’s name. She is not a famous tech entrepreneur(yet!) or writer. But she’s for sure a hustler. She’s an almost 7 months old pregnant entrepreneur who lives in NYC and building next-generation security –Lemin Captcha services for web/app companies. Ok, at this point you might say what’s the point she inspires you. But, I’ll tell you what: She’s not staying in her comfortable house in NYC to enjoy the last couple of months of pregnancy. She is traveling for work. And, yesterday we met for lunch.

This was not my first meeting with her. I know Naomi’s business partner Mitsuo-San for a long time but I was shocked when I saw Naomi at the lunch place because she was pregnant and at SF for meetings. And, she was so cool and didn’t even mention a single word how hard is life as a female/pregnant founder. Instead, she super focuses on closing a deal. I felt so inspired and lazy after our lunch. Also, super happy to call her my friend.