PrinciplesYou by Ray Dalio

I was listening to Ray Dalio’s conversation with Tyler Cowen today morning. Ray talked about how Bridgewater works. Ray created a unique way to run the world’s leading investment firm with principles. I am especially interested in the PrinciplesYou project by Ray. That is basically the test you answered a bunch of questions and understand yourself, others and help others understand you.

“I think that most bosses don’t know anything about psychometrics, and I would encourage them to learn about psychometrics. Psychometrics are a means by which asking a bunch of questions, and so on, helps to measure how somebody thinks about things. It’s common sense — if we ask a bunch of questions, we can learn what your profile is.

Online, for free, I put out our version that I worked with three great psychometricians to produce, and people can experience it for themselves. It’s called PrinciplesYou. Go online — it takes about a half-hour to do — and see how well it describes how you think, what your preferences are. There’s a cool thing that allows you to have somebody else do the same, and you could put it in, and you could see how it describes your relationship, based on how you think.Ray Dalio- Conversation with Taylor

If you don’t listen to me, listen, Ray. I already did the test, and I can say they are 95% accurate. I wish I knew them before reacting with others and facing the problems.

Note: You can invite family and friends to take the test to get insights into how you relate