“Americans can’t deal with negative emotions”

I didn’t say this Dan Pink said that. I agree with him. He is the author of the book ‘The Power of Regret”. A couple of days ago, I shared that book on the list that I’m reading. When I read a book, during that time I also try to listen to a podcast about that book especially if I can find an author of that book is talking. Youtube videos are fine too.

While he was talking with Derek Thompson’s Plain English podcast. (32:30) He was talking about why Americans can’t handle negative emotions that are the reason they don’t want to talk about their regrets or past negative experiences. This is something I have been thinking a pretty a long time. All my friends and family in the USA let’s say most of them somehow remind me of Disney movies. Either they are all in good circumstances and only expecting good things in their life or never heard/experienced bad things in their lives.

Bad experiences and regrets are great teachers. They scream to us to tell don’t do these things in the near future. If we say “No Regret” or don’t want to talk/think about them, there is no chance we can get better.