Being with

Pretty much is everything related to who you with. Being with someone who motivates, encourages and loves you no matter that’s all we need from in this life. Nothing more and nothing less.

I read Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi’s book Flow while I was in Japan, August 2017. That time I was pretty much lost and not sure where I should live or who should I be with. After almost 2,5 years later, I still check that book from time to time. I came across this highlight from Flow:

Social science surveys have universally concluded that people claim to be most happy with friends and family, or just in the company of others. When they are asked to list pleasant activities that improve their mood for the entire day, the kind of events most often mentioned are “Being with happy people,” “Having people show interest in what I say,” “Being with friends,” and “Being noticed as sexually attractive.” One of the major symptoms that sets depressed and unhappy people apart is that they rarely report such events occurring to them. A supportive social network also mitigates stress: an illness or other misfortune is less likely to break a person down if he or she can rely on the emotional support of others.
