David Sinclair-Longevity

I’m in a rabbit hole of David Sinclair and his work of longevity. You can find quite a video clips/podcasts about what to eat/drink to live around 120+years.

So far what I found helpful:

  • Fasting is great. Pretty much stress your body and let it survive. During 16 to 18 hours of fasting, the body reproduces good genes (I oversimplified please do your research)
  • Go outside with Tshirt on a cold day or take a cold shower couple of times a week
  • Eat mostly greens and little meat if you have to (when you are out)
  • Run or power walk two/tree times a week for 15-20 minutes
  • Go Sauna a couple of times a week.
  • Stop smoking
  • If you want to drink, drink red wine. Max 1-2 per day.

Seems like a pretty reasonable lifestyle. What do you think?