Do it for YOU

What do you do?

That’s a common phrase to ask people to learn what’s their job. But, I don’t hear not that much time to ask people “ Why do you do”

I wish we should a reminder to ask ourselves at least every 2-3 months. Do I do it for my mom? Do I do that because I want to be known for this in society? Because of money? or might be Fame? Whatever it is. That’s fine. As long as you are doing for you.

Why can’t we be honest about ourselves? We are living this life only once. It does not make sense at all do it for others. They will never ever be satisfied. In Norwegian, they have a great saying: “Much wants more”.

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If you are feeling satisfied with what you have. You are golden. And, If you want more that’s alright too. No judging.

“ Nobody can give you wiser advice than Yourself” Cicero
