During my three-week Euro trip, I made three observations

  1. Life in Europe is centered around leisure. Many shops and restaurants are designed for this purpose, unlike in the USA where we prioritize functionality. In the Bay Area, for instance, we tend to focus on what solves our needs rather than showing off. Hungry? Let’s eat. Need shoes? Let’s buy some.
  2. Europe offers endless distractions. You can have dinner in a different country and come back home. There are different cultures and cuisines to explore. If your city is cold, you can take a short flight to a warmer place. Bars and restaurants stay open late, making for a never-ending leisure life.
  3. Life in Europe can be both slow and fast. People take their meals seriously, and traffic can be hectic in cities like London. Getting around takes time, but there are plenty of things to do in the meantime. Despite this, people seem to enjoy their lives.

While I enjoyed my time in Europe (London, Paris and Barcelona), I also appreciate my secluded and suburban life in the Bay Area. My daily routine is simple and efficient: wake up, walk to get coffee, go to the office and gym, all within walking distance. After moving around the Bay Area for the past 12 years, I worked hard to establish this routine, which may be boring, but it gets the job done.