Everybody’s Problem

We are not the only ones facing the problem we are dealing with every day. Most likely someone else already figured our problem’s answer on the other side of the table. That means you are not alone.

Everyone is the same when they started. However, some of them know the right methodology which accelerates their growth faster than others. Sometimes one word from the right person who had an experience similar issues can change dramatically.

Believe in yourself. If it’s already solved by multiple people that means that is doable. Let’s say you want to fix your sleeping or losing weight problem. What’s the best way to start? Most likely you can check your network who had some difficulties losing weight and ask how he did lose weight. His formula might not work out for you but at least you got motivated. My friend from the same school or neighboorhood made it why not I could not?

Pretty much this role modeling and motivation cycle works for every single thing. When I first came to the Bay Area, It was only 1-2 Turkish Entpereneur from Turkey started (2013)a company. This number now about 20-30x more. Pretty much everyone got their role model then it turns to be number game. More role models more results.