Favorites Of

What a YEAR!

I know 2020 is not everyone’s favorite year. Still, It was a year full of new learning, experience, and opportunities.

Let’s start with my Favorites.

My Favorite Non-Fiction Book: Psychology of Money.

I purchased this year 200+ books. I read a very few of them cover to cover. I couldn’t stop myself from giving away that book as much as I can.

My Favorite Biography: I Love Capitalism

Life Story of Ken Langone (Home Depot’s Co-Founder). It is an easy read and full of wisdom and advice.

My Favorite new two hobby: Japanese Style “Black Ink” Drawing & Playing GOLF

I’m still very early in my drawing journey. Let’s see what we will draw a new year. For Golf, Last 7 days I went to Golf Course more than 3 times. It sounds like I’m hooked or just newbie excitement. Let’s see:)

Your Favorites

Top 10 Post of 2020 *

1) Mia & Educated 2) Success Factor: Grit 3) Showing Respect 4) People are Shy

5) Thank You 6) Trust 7) Sense of Urgency 8) Aykut as a remote control 9) How to win

your first paying customers 10) How perfect are you?

*Based on Substack’s Algorthym. You can check full Top list in here

I am hoping 2021 will be the year our all dreams and wishes come true. I will be keep trying new things, reading a lot, learning new skills and fail some of them. That is all OKEY. We are human. And, that is wonderful.


Bonus: I have been sharing the last 4 weeks every Friday what is going on in tech, the stock market, books, life, money, new habits and many more.

Now, I’m taking my live “show” for my subscriber-only. You can ask a question or might be a guest speaker too.

Free for Now for my Substack Readers. Register Today!

Tomorrow Guest: Felix Israel. Enterpreneur based in Berlin. He started multiple tech companies and mostly recently he started his Fashion Startup “Faros”