February’s Top Books.

The Joy of Movement by Kelly McNogial. It’s easy to read. I like the examples of people who are actively either running or doing exercise. Pretty much book for how addictive sports and it can reshape your life. You will understand how exercise helps you find happiness, hope, connection, and courage.

Daily Rituals How Artists Work by Mason Currey. I am always interested in other people’s routines. If it’s especially other artists. That’s way interesting to me. Super easy to read. The book covers hundreds of top performer’s daily rituals. Like what time they get up or when they start to work and how are their social life engagements, etc. Definitely recommend it If you are looking to change your daily routine and inspired by Artists.

The Content fuel Framework by Melanie Deziel. This is the book for a content writer, marketer or who wants to share their own story with different mediums. I know so well how important content your business and personal brand. You can find top tips in this book. I’m going to deep dive into this book to find best practices for my daily journal too.


Night on Earth (Documentary) by NETFLIX. I really love it. Crazy experience to see Earth at night time as a day time using groundbreaking technology. It’s only 6 episodes. I hope you guys can enjoy it.


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January’s Top 3 books