First-generation immigrant

First-generation immigrants were who worked and worked almost for nothing earlier 20th century in America. It looks like all they struggled for basic needs. Food, Shelter, and Security. Especially Italian, Irish, and Jewish immigrants. A new world, a new language, and new culture. Adoption takes time…

Now, when you look at those risk-takers’ grand-grand kids, they are everywhere in society. Entrepreneurs, Doctors, Engineers, Movie Star, Musician, etc.… This is a much better way of honoring a generation of poor grandfathers.

I was checking on the election day some of the newly elected governor’s Wikipedia pages. Especially the ones who still don’t have English last names. Most of them 2nd or 3rd generation of immigrant families kids.

I think we are much luckier than those people who came to the USA centuries before than us. First, we knew (sort of) where we are going. Second, we all had dreams to accomplish it. Because of internet technologies and easy access to knowledge, we relatively move faster the ladder of success than people came here 100 or even 30 years ago. This does not only apply to the USA, but it is also pretty much similar to any country still welcoming new immigrants in their lands.