Giving Away Score

I love giving it away. Every time I shared something with someone I feel so accomplished. It completes me.

I keep thinking from time to time about what can I give more?

Yes, we all need to pay our bills and keep the roof on our heads but still, nothing is more profound than sharing, giving away than in this life.

I think everyone should have some sort of personal “Giving Away Score” to ask/remind themselves every couple of months. Am I sharing enough? And then give a score from 0-5

Where do we can start?

  • Physical Sharing: Donating your unused or rarely used items, sending a gift to someone, or saying good words to your spouses or kids

  • Knowledge Sharing: On your social media channels, you can share what you learn recently. Example: It can be a new food recipe, a book u liked, new places you visited recently (pretty much the sky is the limit)
