Gold membership

I saw this topic in my dream. I woke up and took a note about this a little bit on my phone. ( Sometimes it’s good to sleep phone nearby not all the time:)

Sorry for the typo. It was 2:20am:)

I was chatting about life in my dream. That was pretty much life is like an app. When you signed up for the new one, you see in the beginning all the features. Depends on the onboarding, you either started your free trial right after the signup or later on. If you couldn’t understand the app well or didn’t engage it, You mostly likely never come back that app. So many apps so little time. We all know the story.

Sign up now

I feel the same thing about what we have in the offline world. We came to this life pretty much with a gold membership package. But, none of us really checked out what’s our package included. Because that is given so not really worry about when is expiration or renewal date. We need to dig a little bit about what’s our life goal, what are we trying to achieve, etc.

I don’t know it’s kinda complex in the meantime it’s super simple. Life is all about the experiment. If you are healthy, pretty much you are golden. The rest of the package will be waiting for you to discover it.