Grammer mistakes & Writing Poem

I have been writing my daily post last couple of days via my phone. Grammarly is working “OK” on the phone when I compare the desktop. I got a couple of email responses about the last couple of days about grammar or typo issues. That’s why I want to write this.

Honestly, I’m writing in here the last 200+days every day with every condition ( Couple weeks ago, I was camping with my buddies, I drove 5 miles down to have internet access from our camping ground to write the post

Some posts are long some of them very short. Some of them very proud of the wrote it down some of them alright. Still makes me keep active. Helping my mind to analyze anything and everything around me as a “good writing topic”

Special Note

By the way, I’m going to start a Turkish poem newsletter ( don’t worry this won’t be daily). I write a poem from time to time. Sometimes I wrote 5 days in a row sometimes no poem in 6 months. Those are very personal to me since 2006. I thought maybe I should share those with public eyes. If you are interested to join that newsletter reply to this post. ( I still didn’t find what I should name that newsletter::) any suggestions are more than welcome)