Growth Zone

Growth is my word. I love to observe companies or individual’s growth journies. Especially the ones somehow I can either help or advise it. Even if we as a company ( MobileAction or help our users, We feel be part of their growth. We always say “They should grow first with our platform. When They Grow, We Grow”

I really believe Personal Growth is a continuous process. You should not retire of it. When you say you are done, That’s the day your growth stopped. The good thing about Personal Growth, your limit is literally is YOU.

When you ask anyone, “ Do you want to grow your business?” or “Do you want to learn new skill or hobby?” Almost all of them say: YES. But, in reality, very few of them actually are working so hard the creating their “Personal Growth Zone”. When I say “Zone” I mean pretty much they have laser focus for their “Growth”. No distraction, no bullshit. All about thinking “How can I be better than yesterday?”. The mentality is key. You can’t grow every day. I know. You know too.

I wish we have a growth tracker like something similar to step tracking apps. But, still, you can easily cut all the distractions from your life, even if you don’t see tangible growth on the side you want to grow, at least you are right track for eliminating all the noise in your daily life.

Please check today what distracts you or your company. If you still struggling, Reply to this email. I’ll help you to find the right questions to “ask” yourself.

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