Hour Doing Nothing Meditation (day experience)

Today, I completed 1 hour “Doing Nothing” meditation. Literally, you sit down and close your eyes. And “Doing nothing”. Literally, nothing. No mantra, no breath, no focus, no background music.

All you do just sit down and let your mind go wherever wants to go. Yesterday, I did between 7:00 to 8 pm. It was very challenging. I never sit down in my life and closed my eyes doing nothing that long. After 10-15 minutes I said I’m done. But, I didn’t give up. In the middle of the meditation, I actually enjoyed and didn’t even remember how it ended.

Today morning, I did between 9:40-10:40 am. I think I’m going to do more earlier. Normally I get around 6:30-7 am during the weekdays. So, I need maybe get up 6 am to try to do it between 6-7 am.

This 60 days challenge started with one of my favorite guys in the world Naval Ravikant. I never met him in person but I introduced by my friend back in 2014 the time we were raising Angel Round. And, he passed to invest us 🙂 But, somehow I know him more than most of my close friends.

If you want to learn more about “Naval’s The Art of Doing Nothing” Challenge check this tweet thread