
I don’t know why Hummingbirds always remind me, Hemingway. Somehow I thought Hemingway named them “Hummingbirds” :)))

I never saw Hummingbird until I moved to California. Last 6-7 months, I can observe them more closely. Because our backyard garden is one of their coolest spots. Various of them come and go.

Image result for hummingbird

You might figure out they are insanely flapping their wings. (they go average 40-50mph) And, They are always looking for sweet nectars. That makes me think and research about them. I figure out they have so much commonality with human beings. Especially their sugar addiction. They can’t stop themselves eating all day long. Aren’t we hungry all the time? Even if we are full. We always want more like their constantly working wings. Without having a chance to think “Do we really need it”?

If you have time today, watch fascinating facts about Hummingbird