It’s on your mind

I went to a couple of private horse riding classes recently. What I discovered so far about me:

  • Less you know is better. Horse riding, I had no idea what is all about before I started. Everything I learned and applied the correct way. (whatever my coach said, I accepted her true master no question it because she’s been riding age of 10, and she’s 60 now)
  • The natural instinct is very strong. It’s a powerful urge to protect you from any new & untested situation. You have to train “NEW” is ok, give those new things a chance.
  • It sucks till you show up. I didn’t want to go to classes because I was scared to be the new guy at the class/ranch, and I felt very uncomfortable. But people were there to help you. All you need to do is show up & listen.

I’m still very new to it, but I love it so far. I’m going to use these learnings in other areas I want to improve or give a try to see. Am I going to like it or not?