Itzhak Perlman & Classical Music

I like classical music since high school English prep class. Our English teacher was a quiet character. He had a different way to explain and teach the lesson.

I remember one of his explanations. He was trying to teach us the difference between “jump over” to “jump into”. He literally opened the window and jump into the grass which was around 2-3 feet far to the classroom window.

He liked Vivaldi a lot. Whenever we were doing a reading assignment, he was playing Vivaldi’s four seasons. I asked him to give me his cassette tape for a copy. He did it. I believe I “forgot” to return him:)

Anyway since that time, I am always amazed by classical music. I can not say I’m an expert but I enjoy listening especially driving a car myself. Yesterday, I discovered Itzhak Perlman by chance. He is an exceptional violinist. (he contracted polio age of four and couldn’t walk since that time). Please listen to his masterpiece whenever you have time this weekend.