January’s Top Books

I’m sharing the top 3 books I read or re-read every month. Depends on the mood, I do also share some bonus movies, article or gadgets.

Eleven Rings- The Soul of Success by Phil Jackson. I read this book right after a big loss of Kobe Bryant. I heard Phil Jackson’s success at Chicago Bulls and Lakers before however really wanted to learn the world-famous coach’s perspective and biography. He is so much into mindfulness, Zen and mental strengths. I like it he is definitely exceptional. Watch this video to understand Phil Jackson’s coaching model

The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power by Shoshana Zuboff. Mind-blowing!!! Pretty much hard to describe this book. Especially if you are in tech. Honestly, in 2020 everybody is in tech. The average person spends 4-5 hours daily on. their phone. Shoshana explained what’s happening when you sharing data with the tech giants. And, what will be future look like.

An Economist Walks into a Brothel: And Other Unexpected Places to Understand Risk by Allison Schrager. She does explain the “risk” definition for each job profession and industry. Brothel itself is a very unique one. Insurance to the Movie industry, you can able to analyze what is risk factors. Her language is super easy to understand some of the terms didn’t make sense to me while I was studying economics in college.


Parasite(Movie) I really wanted to watch this movie in a movie theatre so long. I couldn’t find a proper location and time. Finally, it’s on Amazon and other places for rent and buy. It’s an unbelievable movie. Characters, story, and production. It’s been a while to watch a movie like this
