Today is the 101st day. It’s pretty much for me 101 for Writing: Introduction to Writing.
I did a little bit of research on why courses called 101 or other numeric terms? It seems a relatively new standard. It started in the late 1930s at the University of Buffalo. Later then adopted by other schools.
Somehow 101s were always my favorite courses back in the college. I always an honor student till college. At College, somehow I thought College is not for only studying it is for socializing, reading, exploring and starting your own things. It was obviously so hard for me to keep up them all together. So, I graduated 2.08 but full of experience and completed my biggest course Life 101. That course everyone gave themselves their own score.
It doesn’t matter how much experienced in any field or studied master, Ph.D. still we are taking 101 courses in our lives. Such as Marriage 101. I believe the first 2-3 years of Marriage is an Introductory Class for Beginners:) Same for Startups. Most likely your first startup will be your 101. Or starting new hobby or learning cooking. It will be always 101s in your life as long as you are adding new skills. That’s awesome. Don’t sweat on it. Enjoy the process. Because, You can’t skip the 101 courses to take the next ones. That is mandatory. Also, you are learning the fundamentals.