Lifelong learning

According to Wikipedia, Lifelong learning means “ongoing, voluntary, and self-motivated” pursuit of knowledge for either personal or professional reasons.” Voluntary and self-motivated is the key to this learning process. No one should force you. Maybe they can encourage it.

I started as an “Economics” major in university. After the first semester, I felt too much irrelevant mathematics, so I transferred to an “International Relations” degree. I’m glad I made the right choice. My formal learning of Economics ended in 2007. But, I have never feel stranger to the Economics topic. I always like to read and ask myself questions and learn more.

These days, I follow a couple of Youtube Channels and blogs about many topics. My top 5 are Psychology, Art, Finance, Solo-Travel, Investment, and Music. I feel the joy of new learning keeps my mind sharp, and as a reward, I feel I am earning a new “set of eyes.”


Bonus: I like the Marginal Revolution blog a lot. They are two Economics professors (Tyler Cowen and Alex Tabarrok) from George Mason University. They write every day (last 15 years) on their blog also they have online Marginal Revolution University (FREE!) I enrolled already Micro Economics and International Finance Course.