London Flight

The first time I flew, it was 2007. I went to Istanbul from Ankara. It was a day business trip. I did a surprise for my potential client while I was working with my startup at the college. I set up a call meeting with an advertiser who wanted to run ads on my website. When he called me, I walked in their office:) I thought I was going to impress them to close the deal faster. It still took time. Anyway, It helped me to take my first flight. 

Now, I’m writing this post on the airplane. I’ll be in London for the next couple of days for a business conference. I’ll be speaking about competitive advertising intelligence in the game industry on mobile. 

Life is weird. A little bit more than a decade ago, I never went overseas and flew only one time domestic. Now, I’m flying for speaking on the  conferences, closing deals, doing business partnerships, etc

Every time on the plane, I do think about the past and future. Feeling zooming out yourself from daily routine. I definitely encourage you guys at least once a month take a short flight. Go somewhere it doesn’t matter where it is. Just jump on the place with piece a paper and pen. It definitely helps you and your business.