Main Thing

What’s our main thing?

What are we going to solve?

Why are we distracted many times instead of doing “essential” things?

I think the best way to be effective and essential: Say No!

We want to be known “ oh, he helps everyone”, he never said, “No to me”. Why are worried about too much to be liked? Do you really want to accomplish your life goals or be liked by everyone?

Yes, in a short term, you might run out of opportunities or friends. You can’t be successful anyway if you are thinking all the time short time gain. Yeah, relationships matters. But, people might be got angry when you keep saying “ No” to opportunity or“ No” to an invitation. But, Less is definitely better.

We are pretty much average of FIVE people around us. So, Do we need all the “YES” in our life? And at the end of the day, we need to keep the main thing. Stephen Covey explained an amazing way this situation The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing

Best Practice comes from Tom Friel, The Former CEO of Heidrick & Struggles “ We need to learn the slow “Yes” and the quick “No” ( Essentialism, Greg Mckeown)

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