Marc Lore, Telosa, and Wonder

I really admire Marc Lore as an entrepreneur. I had a chance to met and did some app growth brainstorm sessions with him/his team during the early days of

His track record speaks itself sold to Amazon ($545M) then started as Amazon Killer and sold it to Walmart ($3.3B- yes B stands for Billion easy to write hard to swallow:)

Now, he’s working on a couple of projects and I am super interested in those two of them.

Telosa: Marc is starting a community & foundation to start a world-class city to attract initially 50k residents (goal is 5m). This new is modeling much more a startup analogy to build together and share the benefits after the city got the traction. Technically they are going to buy very cheap land and build from scratch. Their goal is to create more equitable and sustainable future.

Wonder: Let’s say your favorite restaurant is in the NYC Downtown and you are living in the Palo Alto suburbs. There is no way to get them via food delivery apps. Even if they serve on those apps you get your food after 30 minutes cold & not appetizing. Imagine your favorite restaurants come to you via mobile restaurants. They built a platform and infrastructure to know which location has a demand for what kind of food/cuisine. Good for consumers. And great for restaurant owners/chefs who can save lots of money for investing land that might be not ROI+ near soon.

Already interested in both of them as a consumer and thought I or my friends can contribute some ways. Let’s see.

Note: Yesterday, I thought why should I write more than one post on my blog daily if I feel to write. (I did already write 2 posts yesterday) My biggest hold is don’t want to send readers more than 1 email. So, I’ll keep sending you only 1 email. But, If you are curious and want to check out from time to time what I published and didn’t send you an email, you can find all of them at