My Coffee Routine

I drink 2 or 3 cups of coffee per day.

My first coffee of the day: I like to make it my own right after the woke up. I freshly grained the coffee beans ( I use mostly Philz coffee) and do pour-over.

Second coffee of the day: Right after lunch. I don’t eat anything till lunch except for morning coffee and water. So, my second coffee is also mostly Philz. I do mobile orders don’t like to wait on the line. And, I do drink Philtered Soul ( If you guys are going to buy me coffee, you know what I like:)

3rd coffee depends on my mood that’s rarely happening. If I dine out at the restaurant, I’ll ask coffee but never finish it.


I don’t drink my calories. At least I’m trying. So, no latte, cappuccino or mocha for me. Who’s drinking Mocha anyway:)))?

My coffee is straight black coffee. Depends on my mood or place I’ll get an Americano.

My favorite coffee shops in the San Francisco Bay Area

1) Philz. Of course Philz. I think I’m spending Philz more than my gym membership:) My favorite Philz, (Bush & Kearny and San Mateo Downtown one).

2) Chapel Hill, That’s my secret gem. Now, this is no secret anymore:)

Note: I have no affiliation with Philz. I wish I had 🙂