Outdoor eating experience

I love eating at the outdoor seating area than inside of restaurants. Even if I had to stay to eat inside, I try my best to seat by the window. I think that’s very common for people who grow up in Europe & the Middle East.

That’s why last 8-9 years, whenever I feel homesick, I ask myself what I miss the most: basically social & vibrant life, eating outside, going out with friends one bar to another one, stopping by a coffee shop or random off the road restaurant on top of the hill or nearby water.

Don’t we have those in California? Technically yes and no. California is one of the most beautiful places on earth. But, a lot of places are either outdated or not that “touch” what we have in Europe. America is so much into functionality rather than experience. If it is working or solving that specific problem, they don’t’ try to make it most of it. Done is better than perfect mentality.

Nowadays, the restaurants who are struggling during the COVID times started to discuss with their cities to close off the streets and create more outdoor spots for their restaurants in the San Francisco Bay Area. Technically, our restaurant’s experience are turning more European (finally). If you go to Barcelona for example, you will see tiny restaurants have a huge patio or outdoor seating area than indoors, even winter times they keep a couple chairs and tables. The reason I pick Barcelona because California is very similar to the Barcelona weather. (310 days of a Mediterranean climate)

Let’s see what will be our “new normal”. So far I like this new dining experience which I missed the last 9 years.