No coincidence

I met randomly reader at a random place in New York. I think there is no coincidence. That happened to me a couple of months ago again; such a small town in California. I don’t have hundreds of thousands following. But somehow, we came across my blog’s reader. 

Both of the gentlemen never wrote it to me either via email or social media. Please keep reading and spreading the word. Also, feel free to reply to any post. I read all the emails. And do my best to answer it as much as I can. 

New York

I like New York. Every time I’m here, I feel I am at home for a spring break. I know I can’t stay longer than a couple of days. Things are waiting for me. I’m already committed to other places, but one day I’ll be back and never feel like a stranger. I’m in NYC for a couple of days. At my home. 

Control your destiny

Can you control your destiny?

Or You are lost and moving from one place to another.

If you know where are you going and have enough food, water, and solid ship, it doesn’t matter how long it takes. Because you are prepared for the worst.

Movies I watched

In the last couple of months, I have tried to watch a movie instead of watching IG stories or Youtube Shorts (I know they are super addictive). Also, TV series are fun, but it needs a long commitment.

13 Assassins (2010): I watched it two times. I like the way they recruited the team to execute their impossible plans.

Uncle Yanco (1967): Yanco’s life is super fun and exciting. His Greek background from Izmir and living in Paris before settling in San Francisco is quite a ride. He loved painting, water, people, and life.

Biutiful (2010): Dying Father and family dynamics during that time. African refuge’s life in Barcelona and poor family struggles.

A Taxi Driver (2017): 1980s of South Korea. The Military took power, and Koreans tried to share their stories internationally. A taxi driver changed the entire country’s fate. True Story

Shoplifters (2018): I never watched something similar to this movie about untold Japanese lives. Eye-opening.

127 Hours (2010)– True story. No matter what happens you have to survive.

The Lobster (2015)– Society is shaping you. Are you really know who you are? What if you don’t follow the rules? – In the movie, you must be married or they turned into an animal.

A man escaped (1956)– French prisoner is trying to escape Nazi prison in France during WWII. The movie was produced a decade later the real war and the details were explained quite well.

Your effort

Your effort is for others who might not be recognized by them. Are you going to stop doing it?

Recognition is great but not should be the ultimate end goal.


It’s been a while since the last time I visited Oakland. Today, we went there and discovered a couple cool spots and I figured we are missing a lot not going more often to East Bay. Oakland has similar vibes to New York and Brooklyn but is still California. Great mix.

People who live in Peninsula cities live in their bubble. Oakland was fun. Definitely will visit again. Sometimes maybe we all need to change the scenery. And you can do easily a 30-40 minutes drive.

Things work out

Things sometimes seem not going to work out because of internal & external reasons. But it always works out.

The more you stay in business, the more you can able to see those ups and downs. Nothing is permanent. And the time is a good teacher for that.

Social circle

My social circle is my work circle. My friends are either tech entrepreneurs or my customers & partners etc.

But something changed this week. After moving to our new house, we met a bunch of our neighbors who have been living in the same place for over 20 to 30 years. They are very comfortable economically. Some of them are semi-retired, and some of fully retired. Their kids started their lives, and parents enjoy their time with themselves, working on their gardens, houses, and daily walking routines. Also, another part of the street is young couples who have an average of 3 kids and their families from the area. Very local and welcoming community.

This is the first time I’m speaking with non-tech people on non-tech topics. Still, they are sort of in tech (nature of bay area), but we talk about life, hobbies, family, and all sort of issues. I only write in here or speak with my group of people, not my neighbors before. But I really enjoyed it so far.

Flying for a lunch

I woke up today and took a flight to LA. I had a pretty good lunch by myself and come back to San Mateo the same day.

My initial plan was totally different but it is what it is.

During the flights, I did work very effectively. I think I did almost a week of the worth of a job. Maybe all I need is to fly somewhere and have lunch and come back.

Delaying the life

I’m going to do it when …

I’ll be happy when…

Everyone has some sort of excuse because they want to be ok, and feel good instead of regretful for delaying their life.

That’s one life. Days are longer, years are short