life & death

You can’t really describe life, you have to live it. The same principle applies to death.

Death is a concept we think about or try not to think. But, we don’t really understand unless the doctor told us we have a limited time left. Still, it’s an abstract feeling till we experience it.

You are picker

If you are going to invest in someone, pick very carefully. You are going to spend lots of time & energy. At least worth it to try.

Invest in the right potential and attitude.

No truth

Everything is true in the meantime is not.

Every opinion has favorable and not favorable supporting ideas.

There is no “one” truth. There is only our limited knowledge till we have a healthy discussion.

Your way is the highway if you want to stick on it. It’s safe and secure. But it’s boring.

Not knowing what’s going to happen

We don’t know anything about anything.

Who’s going to call us now?

What’s going to happen to us or the world tomorrow?

Who’s going to answer our outbound call/email?

No assurance makes the game more fun. Isn’t it?

Thinking everything

Thinking about everything is hard. All the details & minor jobs.

-They come to ask you what is the job and how they are going to complete it?

That’s bad.

-They don’t ask, and they do anything. They think if they ignore the job, the job will disappear.

That’s worse

how do you know it’s 10 minutes?

I went to order food from the to-go restaurant, and they told me it would be ready in 10 -15 minutes. I said alright. But I didn’t have my phone with me. I don’t wear a watch too. So I went outside the restaurant and sat down and watched people. I can easily ask people, “what time is it?”

But I thought it sounded weird these days; who doesn’t have a smartphone? -even a homeless dude has it. So anyway, I had to figure out how to count 10 minutes by myself.

Started walking around the restaurant, and I saw other people ordering food from other places. I tried to understand how long it takes for each order and multiple with the people standing in lines and getting the total minutes, but it was not easy to predict that. Then, I started to check traffic lights. And I began to count by my head how long it takes the green light to turn red and red to turn green. Each one approximately took 41 seconds. Voila, I need to wait for 7.5 full cycles of traffic lights to go back to the restaurant to pick up my order.

It’s on your mind

I went to a couple of private horse riding classes recently. What I discovered so far about me:

  • Less you know is better. Horse riding, I had no idea what is all about before I started. Everything I learned and applied the correct way. (whatever my coach said, I accepted her true master no question it because she’s been riding age of 10, and she’s 60 now)
  • The natural instinct is very strong. It’s a powerful urge to protect you from any new & untested situation. You have to train “NEW” is ok, give those new things a chance.
  • It sucks till you show up. I didn’t want to go to classes because I was scared to be the new guy at the class/ranch, and I felt very uncomfortable. But people were there to help you. All you need to do is show up & listen.

I’m still very new to it, but I love it so far. I’m going to use these learnings in other areas I want to improve or give a try to see. Am I going to like it or not?

I feel the city life again

We moved to a new house last Saturday, close to San Mateo Downtown 7 minutes by walking. I feel very alive & excited.

I can go to my gym, favorite salad shop & sushi restaurant, library & Philz/Bluebottle just walking. It’s insanely luxurious to have this set up. Plus, the new house is great and big enough to host friends/family dinner & brunch parties.

I’m super grateful.