What to listen (podcasts)

Whenever I drive, walk or hit the gym, I prefer to listen to podcasts than music. Music is fine when I really want to listen & enjoy it. Podcasts are one of my favorite way to acquire new knowledge & enjoy my free time.

Here are my favorite ones:

Panic with Friends by Howard Linzon– Investing & Startups and more

-Plain English by Derek Thompson- Current world orders & economics

Conversation with Tyler- Intellectual Convos with today’s deepest thinkers.

Knowledge project by Shane Parish– Learn from others who already figured out.

3books by Neil Pasricha– Great guests share their top 3 formative books in their life.

-The James Altaucher Show– Always interesting guests & crazy ideas.

Bonus: XYZ Podcast– My new turkish podcast. We chat about all about life & personal growth with my great friend Osman.

Clean towel

Some gyms offer no towels. Some of them one or max two towels same time.

The good ones don’t care about the towels. Use as many as you can. They try not to squeeze everything. They are here to provide the best services they can. Yes, they are 3-4x more expensive than others, but you never need to carry your own towels.

Constant gardening

If you can’t take care of your garden, it gets dirty.

The garden needs constant care. As long as you keep your garden, you have responsibility.

Living is gardening. Each of us has a unique garden. Different types of flowers, trees, and shapes.

Who is responsible for our garden?

How often do we check?

Are we happy with “the look” of our garden?

What if everything is fiction?

What if our life is not real?

What if our life is a movie or fiction story?

What if we have a chance to change anything anyway we want?

Can you still keep your current version of it?


Change every season or edition with some modification?

Launching a new “thing”

Launching a product is hard. So what’s the “product”?

It can be a coffee shop, book, or app.

You need to know your audience so well.

Their interests & motivations. Easier if you are one of them. If you build it for yourself, that’s more likely you will enjoy spreading the word.

But, your word is not valid enough. You need early believers. Maybe even fans.

Where do you going to find them?

It’s another tricky part.

You need a budget for marketing/advertising. Is that it?

Nope, you just started. Then find the right team member/s to execute it.

Again, I told you it’s hard.

But liberating. It’s a great teacher. Every moment is an opportunity to learn from the situation.

Opportunity will come

Stay on the track. Don’t mix up your feelings.

Do your work. Be you!

Think a long game. Don’t chase small wins and short-term gains.

Opportunities are everywhere. When one big comes, the rest will follow

How long it takes you to build this… ?

I was walking on the hiking trail, and I saw a guy who was in his 30s was running toward me with no T-shirt. Obviously, I saw his upper body, and nicely done:) I asked him:

-hey sir, how long it takes you to build a body like this?:)

He stopped and hesitated to answer or not. Then he said:

-Umm. Since I was 12, I’ve been working on it.

And he kept running.

Yes, be impatient for starting a new hobby, business or project. But results are a working process. That’s why be patient about it.

I don’t have cash- how about a gift card?

I go to the gym at least 3 times a week. Our parking is free for up to 2 hours, then we need to pay $1 for each extra hour. Our parking garage attendant guy is a super serious and very straightforward guy from south America. (not really sure where he’s from) I have never seen him laugh till today since late 2019.

I stayed at the gym today for more than 2 hours and I needed to pay an extra $1. But I don’t carry cash and have no wallet with me today to go to the atm to get a couple of bucks. So, I came up with a speedy idea. I went to Starbucks and bought a $10 gift card.

I approached his shed, and he asked me: – a ticket please, then I gave him my ticket, and he said again: -$1

I said I have no money, but I got you a $10 Starbucks gift card. Also kept the receipt the make sure I’m not lying to get away not paying a parking ticket.

He said back: You don’t need to get a gift card, with a big smile, and pay me tomorrow. But I insisted, and he accepted my gift card.

Let’s see whether he is going to smile at me next time when he sees me:)

Help others

Help your friends.

Help your friend’s friend.

Help good people.

Help as much as you can.

Help the people, you believe in it.

How about your return?

When the time comes, the return will come back to you like a boomerang. Don’t chase it.

Do help work because you want to do it.

Nothing is impossible

I was moved by Nirmal Purja’s commitment and endurance. He climbed the world’s highest 14 peaks in less than 7 months.

He has no fear or hesitation. He has a rock-solid winner mentality.

” Mountain doesn’t say you are black or white. Or you are weak or strong. It’s one rule for everyone. If you give up, you die!

Definitely recommend it to everyone. It’s still on Netflix