Citizen of the world

Anyone who has an internet connection is now a citizen of the world.

You don’t have to travel all over the places to collect stamps on your passport to approve that you are one of those citizens.

We watch the same Netflix shows, we do celebrate almost all the major holidays. Everyone syncs up the latest news, innovations, and updates in a second on Twitter & Instagram.

But the question is, how much do we contribute to this global society?

Are we only consume like all other passive contributors?


We are trying to add some value and make this world a little bit better place than we found?

Where can we start to contribute?

I’ll share my opinions tomorrow.


Owning a house

I wish everyone has a decent and big enough house. Maybe we should guarantee anyone old enough (30 ?) to have a home.

After that point, let the people do creative work. Not a job for buying the next house. 

Everyone is working for a house, at least in America. All the brainpower & talent are wasted on the stupid idea of “house owner.”

We didn’t came this life to have only goal to have a house in Palo Alto or Beverly Hills. 

On drinking

What should we drink or not?

For eating is pretty much everyone has some sort of idea. Fast foods are bad. Avoid carbs and sugars as much as you can.

But, drinking is problematic. 

Coffee is a cultural norm. If you are working especially in an office environment (pre-Covid), coffee is everywhere. You need to drink and sync with your colleagues. If you tried, drink coffee. If you bored, go for coffee shop and drink …

Alcohol is also very accessible in the tech industry. The parties, events, or building the relationship with prospect clients & partnership alcohol is still is a thing. If you want to relaxed, get a glass of wine. If you are going out, you need to take a shot of your shot (based on your hard liquor preferences)

When I have a question like that, I always ask what people I value their opinion think? 

Check out my highlights from the books/articles I saved on my, which includes the “drinking” keyword. 

“As to liquid, my rule is drink no liquid that is not at least a thousand years old— so its fitness has been tested. I drink just wine, water, and coffee.” (, Peculiar Habits of Incredibly Successful People- Nassim Taleb)

Green tea technically covers a wide range of beverages, from sencha to jasmine to oolong tea. Drinking two to three cups of green tea a day is associated with a 44 percent reduced risk of developing colon cancer.” (William W Li, Eat to Beat Disease: The New Science of How Your Body Can Heal Itself)

Individuals who drank one and a half to two beers per day were found to have a 60 percent reduction in the risk of dementia and an 87 percent reduced risk of being diagnosed specifically with Alzheimer’s disease. The same caution for wine goes for beer: high intake levels are dangerous to your health. Be a light or moderate drinker. Alcohol itself is a brain toxin and can increase the risk of dementia at high doses.” (William W Li, Eat to Beat Disease: The New Science of How Your Body Can Heal Itself)

You can build good habits. Not drinking alcohol will help keep your mood more stable. Not eating sugar will keep your mood more stable. Not going on Facebook, Snapchat, or Twitter will keep your mood more stable. Playing video games will make you happier in the short run–and I used to an avid gamer–but in the long run, it could ruin your happiness. You’re being fed dopamine and having dopamine withdrawn from you in these little uncontrollable ways. Caffeine is another one where you trade long term for the short term.” (, Chief Executive Philosopher: Naval Ravikant on the Skill of Happiness — Killing Buddha)

Forty-four percent of students binge-drink, and more than 1,800 U.S. college students die every year from alcohol-related injuries. Another 600,000 are injured while under the influence of alcohol. It’s a huge issue. If most students were uncomfortable with the drinking culture, then why was it happening in the first place? Why were students drinking so much if they don’t actually like it? Because behavior is public and thoughts are private.” (Jonah Berger, Contagious: Why Things Catch On)

So based on some of my highlights. What do you think should we drink or not?

Everything has a story to share & my short semi-fiction story.

Every day is full of stories.

Everywhere we go, or we don’t go, tells their stories.

Stories are flowing on our way.

Are we writing our own story or listening/reading others’ stories as fiction?

Today, I did something unusual. I wrote a short semi-fiction story. I felt great.

I said to myself, “I can do this too.”

I wrote it in less than 10 minutes. (260 words) If I put more time into it, maybe it turns better. But, my job is to deliver the work and not worry about results.

Note: I privately published my short story on this blog’s readers only. Password is: garbage ( I might delete or keep it, let’s see)

Ups & Downs

The stock market is failing…

Crypto has gone crazy. This is the lowest point of X, Y, and Z…

You are your crypto. You are your stock market.

Keep investing yourself. You never going to fail. Because you are playing an infinite game

Every turmoil is a growth opportunity for your personal development.

Different result

You can’t get different results doing the same things.

So, “Let’s try something else!”

If it’s not worked out, then find another thing.

We do this all time. None of us try to watch boring shows more than a couple of episodes. Or we ditch the not engaging book after reading a chapter.

Why don’t we apply the same principles to our other tasks?

Aren’t our lives more important than Netflix shows?

Give a chance to change

Give a chance to new books

Give a chance to new writers

Give a chance to new cities

Give a chance to new people

Give a chance to new cuisines

Give a chance to a new hobby

Give a chance to CHANGE

Learn as much as you can

Learn as much as you can because you don’t know when they will be handy.

Where do I start?

Find interesting topics and people. Read their bios on Wikipedia.

If they don’t have a page on Wikipedia, check your own country’s, favorite singer’s, or city’s Wikipedia page. Read what you are interested in, then move on to other topics.

Do you still want to learn more?

Watch Youtube videos about that topic or start to related people on Twitter ( make a private list for yourself and check what they are sharing)

There is no time to get bored in this learning flow. Because you are choosing your own topics, interests in your manner.

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go” 

Dr Seuss from I Can Read With My Eyes Shut