You are what you did

There is no need to explain who you are. You are what you did.

Action speaks itself.

Don’t tell me more about yourself. Show me what you delivered. It does not matter good or bad. We want to see “the effort”.

Hey, don’t forget where you come from

Yes, I remind myself from time to time. Why?

-Makes me motivated: The life I live in my childhood dream. Age of 13, I promised myself to start a company in Silicon Valley and have friends/customers/users worldwide. I’m not doing this for something or someone else.

It keeps me motivated and driven.

-Makes me proud: I think my 13 years old who sees me today can say, “Well done, Aykut!, You came from a pretty long way. What a ride!”

I finally have everything I need. I’m good. It’s enough.

But, I want to keep growing and try new things. The more I try, the more I learn. And my knowledge, source, and connections can be helpful to people around me physically & virtually. That makes me proud.

Accept people

If you are running a restaurant or barbershop, you have to accept whoever comes through the door. Because you are in the service business.

That’s why service businesses can not scale. It is only “one” of you.

You are the server. They are the customer.

In your personal life, you should be more selective. You need to ask:

Are we serving our purpose mutually?

Healthy relationships can scale and grow if both parties are winning at the same time.

Growth comes with change

When there is no growth, there is no change. Growth comes with change.

Growth is always positive meaning in my perspective. Even in the situation growing pain is unbearable still, you have reason to stay calm and move on.

Who is going to take the initiative to drive everyone to the “growth” phase?

The person who has a growth mindset and never settles down short team gains.

Ideal self

Who’s your ideal person?

Famous people you follow on social media?

They look good because they act to look good.

How much do you know about them?

They only show their exciting part.

Is it wise to “be like him or her” knowing that little about them?

Your ideal person is your ideal self.

You don’t know until you try it

That’s it!

We don’t know anything until we try it. The best way to learn?

Try it.

Where do I should start?


Do you want to live in a place nearby forest/outdoor activities? And, you are not sure do you like it or not?

Rent a house for a couple of weeks and live like a local.

Don’t commit anything before trying.

Do not stop your lives

Life goes on! We can’t stop our lives.

Good days and bad days for people.

Great things happen every day. We only need to change our perspective.

One aim, one goal.

Do not try to stop your life!

We moved to a new place

Hey everyone, We moved to a new place.

It’s been a great writing journey with you. I want to start a new year with a new website and blog. Thanks to Enes and his great team they did an awesome job less than a week to execute this transition project and upload all the posts and set up.

Now, Our new place is WordPress. I started to write on Substack which is a great place to start without worrying about email service, hosting, domain, etc. But, I feel it’s time to move to a more custom place.

The new URL is – You don’t have to resubscribe if you receive this email.

Our new blog design is inspired by my virtual mentor Seth Godin’s blog.

Super excited to write and share more. ( Don’t worry, you won’t’ get more than one email per day:)

We won’t have a comment or like section in this blog. I would love to get directly email from you whenever you want to comment or share your opinion. Check about page to how to reach out me. Discover our recent and all-time popular posts



Contribute to society

Do you contribute to society?

Yes, you do.

We all do. Ex: Buying bread from the bakery.

Does it count?

Yes, it does.

Do you want to contribute more?

Start a business.

Create a newsletter.

Sell software.

Host a webinar.

Raise a child.

Shop local.

Eat healthy.

Let the bikers pass.

Smile more.

And, drink coffee*

Then ask yourself- “Do I contribute enough”?

*coffee is my favorite contribution:)

Let’s play

If everything goes well in your life or business, and you have enough money in the bank and roof top of your head, you should play!

What do I mean play?

Try new things and see how they fit to you.

Let’s say you have a growing, profitable business, and you are a pretty early player in the field of what you are doing. You have a buffer to try lots of cool things and see how users/customers or potential ones react.

Where do I get the new ideas?

Pick any product/marketing/sales books from this year’s top lists. At least they have “one” idea to worth it to try your business.

Where else?

Look up your competitors! Especially the big ones who have a team and sources. Pick a bunch of their working ideas and apply them!

You work so hard, and finally things are working good on your end. Let’s play without worrying to win! Just learn a new things every day.