Time is different. Now, new norms and values. It’s hard for me to explain to you. We are living in new era. Just accept the reality and be involve as much as you can.
Inner guilt, freedom & entrepreneurship
The biggest reason why everyone wants to do their own business is : Freedom. But, in reality we all end up nonstop working instead of being free (do what we what and when we what.) The biggest reason is: we can’t say stop working on ourselves. Because this is our way and our time. And leisure or free time sounds like wasting of our precious moments. This inner guilt is keep hunting us down. And that leads us most of the time to burn-out.
The entire society is leading towards the that angle somehow anyway. The new world is world of creators. Every creator needs to create more. More stories, more posts, more video content and goes on and on.
-Attend this event, -host a zoom call with followers, -dine-in newly opened fancy restaurant, -stay this hotel which keeps pop up on my feed ….
Never is going to be enough. When are we going to be free?
Imagined version of future
Your imagined version of the future is your imagination. You can inspire or even convince your version of the future to others. Even if that future won’t happen, you still can enjoy your imagination.
Real value projection
Value comes from what you are putting out there, and try to address the market with your outcome and analyze if you are going to how much percentage of market share you will win next 3-5 years. Yes, it is a little bit science and art. Lots of 3rd party tools or companies will estimate their unbias calculation and projection. But, the real value is, I think, your passion for the market and your team. How much do you believe in it?
What bothers you?
What bothers you? Why?
Can you able to solve/talk or ignore it?
Whose problem?
Can you fix it now?
If it yes, please lead it! Don’t make your life miserable anymore!
Entry point
Every job has a entry point. Every industry too. You need to build up your knowledge, work network & relationships and many more. These things takes time sometimes even decades.
Let them say
Let them say whatever they want to. Hear them clear and loud. Don’t interrupt. After that, don’t try to convince them just share what’s your plan without sugar coding. Tell who you are and what you are planning to do.
Web 3.0
When I was in college, I started a startup that was helping you to store your online notes, and we did try to connect people based on similar interest topics via your stored notes. And we called this semantic web, and my partner at the time he said this is Web 3.0. As you guys figure out we were so wrong and my co-founder that time he was so sure this is the new internet. Connect everyone based on interest without any search.
If you want to what’s Web 3.0 and what we will be use cases and current trends. You should stop what you are doing and listen this podcast with Tim Ferris and his guest Chris Dixon and Naval.
Everyone thinks that …
Everyone thinks that they are the BEST.
They might not be telling you directly, but they are signaling they know what’s up. You also think that even if you are nodding your head silently and saying to yourself – She/he is full of shit but let me talk him into finishing himself.
SF Symphony Concert- Beethoven
It’s been a while since I went to Symphony Concert. SF is a great place for technology, innovation. Before all the tech mania SF Bay Area was the center of all hippie movements and intellectual awakening in the late 60s. Somehow I always like the art scene even I’m not good with any art forms (except maybe talking if you guys consider that’s art 🤣) So, I went to my very first live event since COVID. That was so good. And almost packed. Still, classical music some sort for older people, which is not true, but almost 70-80% of listeners have either gray hair or no hair ( I was blended into with no hair ones🧑🦲). Everyone was wearing a mask entire of the concert, and no vaccination no entry policy.

Excited to follow the SF symphony event calendar and try to go more with my friends & family when we can.