I’m so happy

I have everything I need. What I need ?

Yes I’m asking what I need not what I want. Everyone wants so much. But if you ask them are they really need those ? Answer I believe so “No”

So, I have everything I need. I think you have too. So, that’s enough to be happy.

You pick

Where do you want to go for dinner tonight?

-You pick

-I picked it last time.


After 20 minutes

-OK, Where are we going?

– I don’t know!

Is it sound familiar to you?

I have a solution for this. How about start making a list on google maps “places you want to try” and whenever you are in between to decide where you want to go, just come up with some alternatives easily. Or, follow the list’s on Google Places. (check out my best sushi places in Bay Area)

Do it this, thank me later:)

Time flies indeed.

Today, September 1st. (It’s 2nd for some of you) It’s insane. We were in February, not that long ago:) Time flies indeed.

Some days seem so long, and other days are not. But I know for sure years are super short.

Difficult situation

Life is hard. You need to prepare for bad days during the good days. Also, bad days you have to remind yourself these hard days are not permanent. Still, a lot of decision-making, taking initiatives, and following orders. There is no autopilot option. So much manual work.

Recently, I watched an interesting video about what’s happening our brain/body when we encounter the tough situation. Basically, your hidden potential will be unlock while you are pursuing the solution. Check out the video

Tesla Camping

I found myself watching camping videos all the time on YouTube These days. I do appreciate that whoever is recording those videos but camping for me much more silent/quiet activity to meet your inner thoughts and yourself. Still, thank you, though, because of some of the videos which placed Tesla Model Y. They are showing how you can use your car as a “tent/RV.” You can use your Tesla that has camp mode helps you sleep in inside your car with good temperature condition/huge sleeping area.

I ordered a bunch of stuff to ready start my own journey, hopefully for the real soon. Even for one-day nature trip needed for everyone who works highly stressful environment. Let’s see how it works. I’ll keep you guys posted whenever I’ll hit the road.

New images

Our lives are our images. What we do, what we repeat (our routines), is technically how we look on the camera.

When you ask someone to take your pictures, we all say can you do it “this way or that way” or telling them, “ can you do it one more time?” That time you are probably fixing your hair, your posture, etc.

Ask yourself today do you like your current image? (your life)

Live before Die

We are all going to DIE!

This is actually not bad at all. It helps me to live my every single minute on this earth like my last day. We are all going to DIE, and nothing matters after we are gone! Whoever remembers us or not, nothing really helpful for us. Just enjoy your days and make the most out of them!

The death protection is LIVE your life as much as “you” want it. Not others life.

Current discomfort is not permanent

Yes, current discomfort is not permanent. You worry a lot and asking yourself to questions:

– Why me?

– What did I do wrong?

Then looking at others on social media, everyone “seems” living their “best life”. And your discomfort is pulling you down. I know it is not easy. But, you are an infinite game player you are not chasing an easy path. If it is easy, everyone can do it.

Everything is temporary. Pain specifically no more hurt us after the situation over. So, repeat yourself “ What I am dealing with now is going to be over very soon”