
Hunger is not bad at all feeling. People who are fasting during the day or cutting out their calorie intakes are more alert than on other days. It applies to anything.

Are you hungry for success? Are you hungry for knowledge?

Like Steve Jobs said: “Stay hungry, Stay Foolish”.

Never get fat and lazy.

Last Exit

This is the last exit before the bridge.

Every time I see this sign on when I am driving on I-80 towards Bay Bridge, I get mixed feelings. It is hard to digest depends on your mood. LAST EXIT

It sounds die or live situation. In the worst scenario, you will pass the bridge and drive all the way back to the exit. Not a huge deal ( I’m talking not pre covid 9 am and 5 pm traffic)

I think there is no last exit in this life as long as you are breathing. Always plan b, c, d….

Take it slow and exit if you can that last exit before the bridge. If you don’t, don’t worry drive back.

Follow the lead

Just follow the lead whose the one you think the right person. If you have any doubt or concern, just stop to follow! Don’t commit your journey with all the questions and hesitation. Either get in line or get out


It’s super hard to calculate every minor details when u are going to start a new journey. Just give yourself some time for planning. Don’t over/under plan it. Unexpected events are part of the “plan” anyway.


What’s reward for you?
What are you doing to feel good?

I believe in rewarding yourself with small treats in daily base. Small minor things help you feel accomplished.

Deal making

I think two types of people in the business market. Either they are for deal-making or deal blocking.

I love deals. I love finding opportunities from nowhere and making sure other parties are winning while we are winning. Don’t block the deals. Even your answer is no, you are still making a deal not to work them.

Don’t be silent, Don’t ignore it. Be upfront and be honest.