Set the timeline. And, get things done! Don’t delay or play around. Everything is time-sensitive. If it is not urgent, still complete it. Done is better than perfect.
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Busy with yourself
I like the way Naval said, “ Life is a single-player game”. This doesn’t mean you should not take care of anyone except yourself. It is more like explore yourself with new experiments.
And learn/discover more things about you and start the journey as your life depends on it. Then, you can figure out what’s your added value to society. If you are willing to do it more, you should do it because you love it, not someone who told you so.
Do every day what you need to do! No matter what’s the results still be in the game. When the “time” comes, it comes with the momentum. And nothing can beats momentum.
Different Colors
The same views have different colors. Let’s say your backyard is facing a mountain, and you see that view every day. If they ask you, how’s your mountain view? You probably say, “ You know, it’s a mountain—brownish color, it has trees on it, etc.…”
On the other hand, if you answer them, “Do you want me to tell you my morning view or sundown view?
Each time of the day has a different angle of the sun that reshapes our perspective. Life is the same. Try to find different colors from the same view
Sometimes it’s great to be lost in your thoughts. It’s a great exercise. Try it!
If you are bored or didn’t find anything to read/watch. Check out Ted-Ed Youtube Channel. They are animated videos that are mostly short and sweet.
Your personal time
What do you do in your personal time?
Let’s start. Do you actually have personal time during the day?
If you don’t, you should at least have a 10-15 minutes break. What should you do during that time?
Just think or sit down do nothing.
You have to be adoptive. Only things never change is change itself! You figured only “one” thing. There is hundreds of way doing what you are doing. Never satisfied your position. Keep adjusting yourself with every new angle.
Moment by moment
Somedays hard.
Other days easy, maybe even chill.
We should live moment by moment.
Life is all about moments we are collecting.