The meaning of life…

I discovered it today!

It was so random, so unexpected. When?

While driving a car on the highway late afternoon…

Who told me?

The car in front of me.

What is the meaning of life?

“the meaning of life is to live it” that was saying on the bumper sticker.


“That man is richest whose pleasures are cheapest.” – Henry David Thoreau

When do you have the bare minimum, rest looks like an extra. Technically you can not eat/drink/smoke/travel more than you can. So, everything is relatively similar after the point you have enough. Only knowledge & personal growth is never-ending process. How do you achieve knowledge & growth?

  • Reading

  • Thinking

  • Experimenting

Can’t get it

If they don’t get it, don’t try so hard to change them or even convince them. Go your way and mind your own business.

Till when? Till you think you are done with growth. But, there is always room to grow. We can always be more human—a better version of ourselves.

Growth experiments

Let me share with you how to start/execute your growth experiments.

a) List of companies who are your direct & indirect competitors. Also, other inspiring companies who are might be relevant in your field, but they are doing completely different.

b) Create a Feedly board and add those companies as a sources

c) Pick their latest marketing tactics, announcements, or messages as an inspiration.

d) Put those ideas on 3 different buckets. Which one we try in a week, month and year!

e) Keep doing this continuously

Everywhere is full of opportunities

So many options, so many chances for everyone in this modern world. Apps are mostly free or very cheap. YouTube & IG contents are all free. Any questions can be answered by a “simple Google search.”

Literally anything is doable. I can’t believe if you don’t wake up every morning full of hope, energy and motivation. Life is great.

Not L.A , Not The Bay

We visited today Pismo Beach. It is a cute beach town. As you guys know I love baseball hats. I was checking one of the local shops. I saw “Not L.A, Not The Bay” hat. Instead of saying “ Pismo Beach” they created a story to share. Also something unique and cool way to say where is Pismo Beach. It’s 3 hours to L.A and 3 hours to the Bay Area.

It made me to think so many ways to describe what we are doing, selling and sharing in our daily lives.

Heart vs Mind

Somedays, we put our hearts on our works, somedays our minds.

I believe they are both essentials. I wish we can pull or push depends on the situation. But, they all know their places based on their needs. So, live your life without regret, even if you messed up big time. At the end of the day, you are yourself with your pros and cons. Love your heart & mind.

Familiar voice

Let’s say you are walking on the street and heard a voice and checked your account whose that person? Why you did that? Because of this, something familiar. Either voice or phrase. Or maybe be something else.

We love around familiar voices. It’s comfortable. It’s safe. Even we are far from our loved ones. We still feel good if we hear their voice on the phone or audio media.