If you want to feel original, be around with other originals. There is no room for fakers. Be honest and share with others who you really are. More you feel original, more you feel free!
Haruki Murakami & Days Fiction Writing Challenge
I started to read Haruki Murakami’s short stories. They are absolutely insane.
A) I have read three stories so far, and all of them are based in Tokyo. Most of the streets or neighborhoods are so familiar to me. Either we lived in the same place, or he has same taste as mine for hanging out cool places in Tokyo:)
B) He is so devoted to writing. Since age 33 (he is 72 years old now), he runs almost every day for 5/6 km and writes around 10 pages. I love the commitment.
So honoring his writings and lifestyle, I’m starting a challenge for the next 30 days:
Run or Walk a minimum of 1 mile per day
Write a poem in Turkish.
Haruki Murakami writes in Japanese. His English is good enough to translate some of his favorite writers Raymond Carver’s (Raymond is also one of my favorite short story writers) writing to Japanese.
I always wanted to write Poems in Turkish. Let’s see how it works! (Maybe one of you guys translate my Turkish poems into English)
Please ask me on July 1st what happened to my writings. I’m planning to share them publicly, either ebook or pdf, in mid-July.
Let’s start to challenge! If you want to join my challenge, reply to this post.
Every bit of knowledge we acquire it feeds our self-knowledge river. This river continuously flows. There is no end. It waits there to help & take you anywhere you want to go
What if they did this? What if they don’t do this?
All sounds to me like worry! Why are you worrying things are not real?
Why are you putting yourself in this situation?
It sounds like you are scared to lose it! I understand it. But, you are killing yourself bit by bits for something in your imagination
Charles Bukowski
I heard about Charles a couple of years ago but didn’t too much interested in him. Today, I went local bookstore to check out some short storybooks and poetry. And, I saw a selection of Bukowski poetries. He is an extraordinary one. His poems are so clean, unfiltered, and sharp. I loved reading it!
If you are interested in learning about his life, check out this video.
Then, if you. still interested in him? Check out his live poem reading. Those are like stand-up comedies full of real-life observations, jokes, and many more.
Giving makes us living
Give don’t think what’s your take. Your givings will compound. Giving is a great feeling. It makes us living.
Your roots
The house you were born in pretty much changes your life. But, at some point you have to make a decision by yourself. What I really want to do with my life?
Doing same things like my neighbors & family or I can be my hero of my life ?
Moon always returns
Someday you won’t see but it doesn’t mean moon is gone. It’s always there but we can’t see. Don’t worry even if you don’t see pretty long time, the moon always returns
Build your culture
If none of the cultures works out for you, build your own. You don’t have to buy it because you couldn’t find it. Create your own version of it.
Whatever you are struggling, or wish to have it, Just start your own. If you want to have your kind of book club and discuss cool ones, if you couldn’t one fits you, launch your book club.
Say something nice
Even it’s so hard for you; just try to force yourself to find something nice. And share it! Don’t give up. At minimum say : “Thank you” more often.