We will remember everything

Back in the time, we didn’t record our every moment like we do now! We are taking picture of our every moments, sharing multiple stories, sending each other hundreds of private messages etc.

That’s why it’ll be super easy to remember any time since 2000 ( pretty much when google started to record The Internet) in the future. All we need to go to our photos and choose the time and select the picture or google the date of that specific time and read the articles or watch the videos.

History is not any more a few pieces of evidence of past. It is actually one click away “ready to serve” meal

You are working for yourself

Yes, you might work under a boss or big corperation’s umbrella. Or even you are the boss of yourself (entrepreneur or founder), you might still be thinking about your investors, partners, or employees. That’s all fine! But, Don’t do anything for them. Do it for yourself!

What does it mean? It means pleasing others is the world’s hardest job. No matter what you do, it will always be something missing or hard to be pleased with. If you feel you are satisfied with all the outcomes and results, that’s awesome! That means you own your business. It doesn’t matter whatever is in your business card (who’s using a business card anyway:)

Dunning- Kruger effect

The graph explains itself. The more we know, more cautious we are. Because we know a lot of things we don’t have no idea. That’s why good strategy might avoid people who think they know everything and stopped learning new things.

Covid belly fat

In the last couple of days, I saw enough women and men who have covid belly fat in Vegas (at least in my hotel guests who went to a swimming pool). What’s covid belly fat? Pretty much sitting/working/watching/ and doing all day every day last 15 days at their homes.

I had a chance observe a lot last couple of days. I felt I came to world from another universe for a quick mission. My job was to check out how’s life the world (Vegas is not great place to be send for a mission.) I’ll probably share more on next posts


I’m in Vegas for a couple of days. It’s weird to see so many people from all over the place. I felt very unsafe first day. I was like a person who lives in the countryside and never left his home in his life. I think I’m fine with a quiet lifestyle. Not ready to go out very soon

Machine zone

Machine zone means you lost yourself to the machine you are engaging. It was first used for slot machines in casinos—later game designers inspired by this phenomena to create super engaging games. More you zoned out, they benefit more.

Real deal

This real deal! Once a lifetime opportunity! But for who?
What’s too obvious for you not really make sense to others. What are you going to do them?
-Yell? -Scream
Or, Run away?

Your legacy

What will be your legacy? What do you want to be known for? Everyone cares what others think about them. That’s why we all work so hard to leave good things behind of us. But, wait a minute, how about now? Why are we skipping this moment to build our legacy?

I care about my satisfaction and adding value to myself more than my legacy on others. In 2-3 generations, no one will remember us even if they do, and they will get us the way they want to get it!

Can we move faster?

If you already figure out what they are trying to say, why don’t we ask, “ Can we move faster?”

Yeah, we want to be nice because we want to be known by others also “nice” too.

I’m sorry but if you are in a rush, being nice is my least things to be