Your legacy

What will be your legacy? What do you want to be known for? Everyone cares what others think about them. That’s why we all work so hard to leave good things behind of us. But, wait a minute, how about now? Why are we skipping this moment to build our legacy?

I care about my satisfaction and adding value to myself more than my legacy on others. In 2-3 generations, no one will remember us even if they do, and they will get us the way they want to get it!

Can we move faster?

If you already figure out what they are trying to say, why don’t we ask, “ Can we move faster?”

Yeah, we want to be nice because we want to be known by others also “nice” too.

I’m sorry but if you are in a rush, being nice is my least things to be

Tips for University Students to make their college years amazingly productive and fun!

Yesterday, I had a great zoom webinar with 180+ college students from Turkey hosted by Bogazici University ( one of the most prestigious schools). I love to chat/talk with a young and energetic group of people. After I shared my story and some of my best business practices. I figured out all my business-related tips are not only for business but also for life.

Here are my extended tips for you to make your college life more fun, productive, and resourceful :

  1. Read: Read as much as you can. It doesn’t matter what you are reading in the beginning. Reading they say in the beginning, junk food. After a while, when you know what you like and not, you can switch to other interesting topics for you. You will carefully select them, like choosing healthy food vs. fast foods.
  2. Join or start your own student club: Join one of those student clubs. But, most of the clubs, at least in my time, had so much hierarchical structure. If you like none of them, start your own. You need to start only convince one friend. You can even start an unofficial “zoom club” before going back to school.
  3. Work free: List what do you like to do. And find which one of them you really love, and you can even do it for free. Then find who’s expert in this field in your city, then reach out to that person and say, “ why are you a good fit? and how you can help him with a short/sweet message.
  4. Travel: Travel is a good teacher—especially the ones who are not in your comfort zone. Go! Discover other countries/cultures. If you don’t have a budget, start to save (I’ll talk about the next tip). So many countries are super-cheap; all you need to buy a ticket in advance or might even walk or bike ( just google those people who are traveling the world with a bike or walking)
  5. Money 101: Learn basic finance and accounting—so many free great videos on Youtube.
  6. Eliminate Bad Energy: Be around the people who are adding value to you. Avoid power consumers. I should call them power suckers. All they do talk and suck your energy and never return anything to you
  7. Learn failing: Try as much as you can. Don’t afraid to test/experimenting if you need motivation about this. Look at me! I started from the bottom and now running the multi-million-dollar revenue of a company with clients from 70+ countries and growing every day!
  8. Be unique: This is your game! No Game Over! Don’t compare & compete with yourself with the “others”. They have no idea what they are doing anyway. Focus on only YOU! There is the only person you can change is YOU
  9. Play Long Game: Anything, in the beginning, is hard. Don’t worry. Be patient with results. The practice is all matters. Don’t try to be famous or rich in a couple of months or years. The longer you play the game, the longer you will stay the game!
  10. Give: Just give! Don’t expect your return. Write, Share, Teach, Sing, Paint…. Do whatever you want to do. But, don’t be greedy and ask, “what’s my cut”?

We don’t have mistakes in here. We have happy accidents!

There is no mistake. Either you will or learn. Then, why are we calling those moments “mistakes”? They are happy accidents. It is a place that can help you to learn.

We all start to finish the lines as a winner. If we win all the contests, what’s the point of competing anyway?

We need to experience those happy accidents to accel and grow!

Let’s try to call our down moments “happy accidents” instead of mistakes.

Lemon & Mint

These two are growing up in my backyard. We don’t buy any lemon since we moved this house. Mints are kind of new! We planted them last year, and they keep growing by themselves. Lemons are the same too. We picked one lemon and tree gives back to us 2-3 lemons minimum. Very little maintenance. I think they are my favorite in this setup.

I try to be like lemon & mint to my friends. If they come to one step, for sure I’ll go minimum more than one step. Also I like the relationships without any drama. Don’t get me wrong I’m not expecting smooth ride all the time but I don’t like too much noises.

You are unique only in the right environment

It’s hard to explain yourself to an audience who has no idea what you are doing or have been through in your life.

You might even not know what is going on with you? You think that you are dealing with all ups and downs in your life until you come across another person who has the same experiences as you. And, they know you without any introduction. They are like diamond miners. They know precisely what’s diamond and what’s trash. You are unique only in the right environment and under the right hands.