We are all teachers

We are all teachers.

Teaching our kids & parents

Teaching our friends & colleagues


Also, teaching ourselves. This is the most important teaching.

If you don’t reinvent yourself almost every day, what are you going to teach others? Or you might have no mission whatsoever to teach, but still, people around you demand from you anyway. Being prepared better than being sorry!

Share your ideas

If you interest in chatting or meeting someone, come up with 3-4 ideas that might help or their business. And share your ideas with them.

In the worst scenario, they don’t reply to you back and steal your ideas. That means your ideas are good:)

How I met Arthur Schopenhauer?

I was listening to Kamal’s experiment podcast about t“Nature of Reality,” and then I wanted to google what’s this “Nature of Reality” all about?

Later I ended up on Youtube and watched a handful of videos about Schopenhauer. I think I read him or tried to read his writing when I was in college. I liked his approach to events and probably spent some time following days to read and understand his philosophy.

The funny thing is while I was discovering him and I shared a video one of my friend who might know Schopenhauer, and he replied with a picture and said, “ Dude, this is strange, but I was reading Schopenhauer while you sent this video:)


If you interested in him too, start this video and that one

What if I invested $K for each IPOs of the companies I know years ago?

I did a small calculation “ What if I bought Tech Stocks either the companies I use or heard because of my social circle (I live in San Francisco Bay Area since 2011) ?”

What if I invested $1K for each?

Here are some companies I had a chance to buy their stocks in 5 years ago ( some of them went public recently, but I know them for at least a minimum of 5 years+)- Stock Price percentage changes since April 15, 2016.

April 15, 2021 1:38 PM Prices

  • eBay (+157.2%) $2571- my very first client

  • Paypal (+592.6%) $6926-I started to collect revenue from overseas clients between 2013-15 via them

  • Twilio (+1,192) $12,921- Listed Jun 2016 My first office was 2nd floor at their HQ

  • Snapchat(+153.3%) $2,533-I was using Snap religiously since they started till 2018.

  • Groupon (-46.1%-) $539-My roommate was working there. We had cool deals:)

  • Square (+1,703% ) $18,032-I purchased their first hardware swipe credit card device back in 2012.

  • Shopify (+3,709%) $38,097-I met Tobi (Shopify Founder & CEO) in person in 2015 at the party and talked for almost a couple of hours)

  • **Spotify(+93%) $1930- Listed April 2018-I pay a premium since Jan 2015.

  • **Uber (+42,5%)- $1424- Listed May 2019-I had a brief chat about the Uber Turkey position with Travis at Summit at Sea in the Bahamas in late 2015

  • **Palantir (+149.5%) $2494Listed Sep 2020– We partied a lot in their office in 2012 with my college friend who worked there as the first Turkish engineer back in time.

** Still, I need to wait for their 5 years return period. But already, they have positive returns.

My $9K will be $87,467 TODAY!

I didn’t even include these well-known Tech Companies:

  • Twitter (+307%) –I was living next door to their HQ

  • Google (+173%) & Apple (+417%) (My company MobileAction is all about AppStore & Google Play since 2013)

  • Facebook (+176%)-Using them since 2006 and friend of a very good engineer since I moved to the bay area.

  • Amazon (+432%)- I am Amazon Prime User since 2012.

  • Tesla (+1351%)- I checked Model S around 2015 and didn’t like it:)

I feel the hardest part is not investing. It’s holding. As long as you believe in its mission & vision, even 5 years might be early to expect the returns. That’s why it’s too early to calculate Palantir, Uber, and Spotify’s return. I think for them this is still a huge chance to get a good return.

Also, I’m going to start buying a small amount of money every time the company I know (either I use or some sort of relationship with the founder) they are going public and hold it a minimum of 5 years:)

By the way, everything I shared here is my personal experience and opinions. They are not investment advice.

Note: I already own Spotify, Shopify, Apple, Tesla, and Palantir. How long I have been holding them? Maybe next posts:)))

Approval seeking

If you are the owner, you don’t need to have any approval from anybody to do anything with your enterprise.

Why are we seeking approval from others for something about our life?

Is this not our life? Are we living someone else’s version?