One person

One person matters! We all worry about the outcomes of our efforts. How many likes? How many followers? How many RTs?

It is great to see the traction. I have no problem with that. But even we reach one person. That’s successful. Think about that one person, and I’m sure you will be happy with what you are doing already. And keep doing it

Stop worrying

You never make anyone happy unless they want to be happy.

Stop worrying do they like you or not!

Your job is loving yourself no matter what happens to you.

No matter people around you figured out who you are or not!

Please don’t spend your valuable time with people who do not deserve it.

If you have a smartphone

I don’t like to tell people what they need to do at all because everyone should do what they supposed to do especially if their job or something under their responsibility. What if they don’t know what they do?

No one knows what they they do in the beginning anyway. All they do search it and find the right answers. How they do it?

If they have a smartphone (now everyone smartphone users has a decent internet or WiFi access), nobody needs to help them out.

Who’s right?

Who’s right? It depends on what’s your motivation.

The biggest issue why are we always want to be right? What’s the point the winning the argument if our friends or family is losing in the same battle?

The best way to settle the dispute is telling your opponent, “Yeah, maybe you are right”

What’s the real reason?

Every action has reason/s.

But what’s the real reason?

You need to talk with yourself to find “real you.”

You need to love yourself to discover “inner you.”

Then, figure out why are you doing anything you do?

What’s the real motivation?

Feeling different

When is the last time you feel different?

Feeling different is not always a good thing. I think feeling better is a much better state of mind.

Still, we do a lot of things because we feel it not we really need it. What’s our motivations for our feelings?


How much do you know?

How sure are you?

Try and learn! The more you try, the more you learn.

It is not about 10,000 hours, It’s all about 10,000 experiments

Try and learn! The more you try, the more you learn.

Being an outsider

It sounds super scary to be being an outsider! You are not from here, You don’t look like us! You are an outsider. Go your home!

Yeah, it’s super challenging to be an outsider, especially if it is not a welcoming environment. But the outsider mindset is crazy to open for figuring out the problems and find a way to survive. The more you repeat this exercise (that’s something for your entire life. Such as a Japanese guy who lives in Italy) more your skin gets thicker.