Unexpected Results

It’s hard to calculate all the possible outcomes when you start any ventures. All the obvious might not even happen but all non-obvious or rare events will occur. That’s the beauty of life. Everything can cause any unexpected results any time.

Do what you want

Babies are doing what they want. If they want food or a clean diaper, they just cry! You go check them and fix their needs.

When they grow up, they started to do stuff what their families or friends want it! 

People are using it

The biggest motivation of entrepreneurs is more people are using their services, products, and solutions.

I don’t think so anyone will ever say, “You know what, we don’t need new clients anymore”. You might not accept for a time of period. Let’s say a couple of weeks or quarters still; your customers/users are your fuel. Not just only for monetary perspective but also their contributions are great motivators to build a better version of your services.

Every baby is different

We started to ask questions to the doctor:

  • Are 20 minutes of breastfeeding enough for every 2 hours?

  • How often should we change the diapers? Our baby is pooping 4 times per day; should we expect more:)?

  • Is crying ok when they wake up from sleeping?

Or, searching on google:

  • Why are the hiccups happening on newborns?

  • What are the top life-saving newborn best practices dad should know?

All I figured out so far, every baby is different. Some of the patterns are similar, but in most cases, your baby’s schedule or likes will be much different than others. So, keep exploring by yourself and enjoy the process. Sounds like a good application for adult lives too.

My reason for writing

A lot of people asked me, “ Why are you writing every day?”

“Maybe you should do it once a week or occasionally.”

I started to write for myself earlier in my writing journey. Now, I’m actually writing for my daughter, friends, family, and people who are curious about what Aykut wrote about this topic back in time and now. It is great to have an archive of thoughts.

My daughter one day will search what my dady thinks about “love,” “giving,” “entrepreneurship, “grit,” “money,” and many more… All she needs to search that keyword and see how my thinking process changes over the years. Isn’t it amazing?

Sleep when they sleep

I’m already fascinated by how newborns react around them and understand what’s going on in the new world.

Also, new parents like us don’t know what to do when the baby cries. But so far, what I learned: sleep when they sleep. Our new life rhythm is her schedule.

This is your f*ckin company

This is your company. Who is going to deliver the results? YOU

Your investors, advisors, and all board members are good on the paper. However, no one knows your business in & out more than YOU.

So why are you whining anyway?

If everything goes well, they will come and applause you!

If not? They better moved on something works for them

This is the nature of business. They need to deliver the returns on their investors too.

They can’t stop and waste their time and money.

But… but they told me “they would help me anytime”. Yes, they did and tried.

But, you are 1 out of zillion in their portfolios. The winner takes all. Also the investor’s time, money, and energy. No hard feelings. Ok?

Still, my friend, this is your f*ckin company.

Rome wasn’t built in a day

“Rome wasn’t built in a day”! Anything you are building will takes time!

Great organization, company, sales team, family, lifestyle business, subscribers, followers, and many more…

One stone at a time. You are building your own house! How much do you care about your own place? A lot, right?

Then, build a great one. That’s alright if it takes more time than your initial expectation. Who cares?

You are building for yourself, anyway!!!