Being uncomfortable is comfortable

I am super surprised why I didn’t write being uncomfortable before. I always say myself :

Aykut! Don’t get fat & lazy. (Being fat in here used for the mental metaphor, mostly:)

Always be lean and always be in action.

Never settle; look for improvements.

But I think I found my final version: Being uncomfortable is comfortable. It fits me great. I felt one of my “aha” moments.

People Help The People

When we are helping others we actually help ourselves. A couple of months ago someone asked me what’s your dream & goals for the future? I said “ Helping people”

I got super excited when I hear someone says to me “Hey Aykut, after watching or reading about you, I did this and that, etc” It makes my day. I forget everything and feel full of energy in my body.

Thank you People for giving me a chance to help them any way I can.

Bonus: Thank you Birdy this song inspired me to write the post.

Magic is real

I keep saying to myself last couple weeks: “I feel like a magician”.

The reason I’m saying and sharing this with you: I feel magic in every part of my body.

Yes, my friend, magic is real.

So many things going on in the world, and we have so little control. And, still, we did survive up to this point. This is a real deal. Every day is full of grateful events.

Every moment is magical. So much to explore, experience, and live on it. Please be patient with the results.

It’s okay. Everything will all work out alright in the end. If it is not yet alright, it’s not yet the end.

Past is fiction

Past is over. Focus on the present!

Very few of us learn from our past experiences. Most of the knowledge we might learn from our past can easily be acquired from many places such as books or other people’s experiences.

So as Naval says, “ Past is fiction.” It is a story we don’t want to forget, but that is not really helpful. The present is the place we should be aware of all the time.

Vulnerability is refreshing

Being vulnerable around people you trust is an amazing luxury to have. You can be yourself. You don’t have to hide out anything from them.

They accept you the way you are. More you share about your up and downs, you feel more refresh. It is like a cold drink on a hot day. Vulnerability is refreshing.

One battle at a time

You can’t win the war if you don’t win the battle.

You need to win one battle at a time. Don’t overthink or plan too much.

Focus on your closest battle. And win big time.

Then, sit down and re-address what is really important to you?

Winning all the lands & battles or War?

Etherum & Devi

I was listening tonight “Etherum for Dummies on ClubHouse” (CH) by Kamal Ravikant. It was a pretty much casual talk with experts and random folks. During the show, one lady raised her hand (her name is Devi), and Kamal invited her to speak. Devi shared her story about how she was involved with Etherum and other cryptocurrencies. The story from here not that interesting till she told us she is 62 years old. She is using CH for learning new things and dive deep.

She did explain so well and simple what Etherum for her and her learning process such as she started to listen to Vitalik’s (Founder of Etherum) interviews etc.

I honestly felt so great. It is never too late to learn anything! Thank you, Devi.

Infinite game

We are playing the infinite game. Nobody is a loser. Everyone is a winner.

Some of us might win bigger than others. Does it make us a loser?

Not at all.

Any movement in this game is winning. As I always say: “You either win or learn. No failing”

You must become the light

You must become the light. Don’t worry about how big or small the light. All you need a little spark. Then feed your light with your love, courage, and freedom.

Slowly but gradually, that light will become your lighthouse. Anytime you struggle or worry about anything, turn your face towards your lighthouse.