Loser mentality

Why that guy? Why not me?

Why is s/he better than me?

Stop being jealous. Being jealous is not going to help you at all. You probably get more loser points. Instead of eating yourself alive, look from the bright side. Try to learn from them. Use this as a superpower. Say, “Nothing beats me. Only makes me stronger”.

Immigrant Hustle

Every day I’m Hustlin!

Pretty much every day is the same hustle. Never stops. It is not what you want more than what you need. It is something infused in your DNA since the day you landed new country.


Curse means the expression of a wish that misfortune, evil, doom, etc., befall a person, group, etc.(Dictionary.com)

Why do people wish evil to anyone?

Honestly, I don’t know. I try to understand, but I can not.

One of the best ways to live our lives is probably always wishing good things for others. Even more than to ourselves. Why?

Because good thinking brings good energy.

Curse sooner or later will find the person who cursed in the beginning. It is like a boomerang.

Faith is comfort

If you have good faith in yourself, you will be fine. You do not need to worry at all. Faith will be comforting you.

As far as I remember, Charlie Munger and Warren Buffet told each other during their early days of the partnership, “ Don’t worry, we are all going to be rich” That faith in the future defines them as long-term thinkers.

Faith itself is not enough, however, it is a good start to send good vibes to yourself and the people around you.

You don’t know until you asked for it

You don’t know until you asked for it. That sounds very obvious but we forget this very often. I remember this again after our yesterday ClubHouse chat.

I hosted a very interesting talk yesterday with my friend Ali Jamal who is a growth/product person who worked at very cool companies and now also running his angel investing firm (First Check Ventures). While we are doing with Q&A, someone asked him “How did you get 750+ LPs?” (Limited Partners, pretty much people who are investing along with Ali)

He said: I went to a good school (Stanford) and also worked for very good companies in Silicon Valley and other places. I know the right people. But most importantly I asked my friends or friends of friends “Would you be interested in being part of my firm?”.

As he said, if you don’t ask for it, you never know what is going to be the answer. We scared so much to hear “No”. Honestly, No is a good answer. At least they spent time and answered for it.

Grow together

I always say when our customers grow, we grow. I believe in mutual benefits for any relationship.

Instead of saying win-win. I prefer “Grow Together.” Win-win sounds to me short term gain. However, grow together sounds we both are aiming for longer goals.

Daily Tasks & Stress

Never quit something with great long-term potential just because you can’t deal with the stress of the moment. (Seth Godin)

Like Jerzy Gregorek said: Easy Choices, Hard Life. Hard Choices, Easy Life.

Don’t quit if you see the light at the end of the tunnel.


The best way to learn anything by teaching it. Start what do you know first. It doesn’t matter how much do you know, and it starts with one small step.

Let’s say you are an engineer and want to teach someone how to get a job at Google. Don’t wait for someone to come to ask you. Go reach out to anyone who just graduated from the same college as you did. And try to help him.

Limited time & Clubhouse

Limited time offer! Hurry Up!

What do we have limited in this life?

I think the most valuable one is Time.

Where do we spend them?

Twitter, Instagram, and now ClubHouse.

But, I only check people who inspire me. I’m not wasting my time. Are you really?

What I love about ClubHouse so far, It is only audio. You can anytime shut it off and move on your work or life. Or you can listen to ClubHouse talks as a background voice and go for a walk or check your email/slack etc